Tuesday, July 21, 2009


"To find potential 'V' of oneself, one has to solve del^2(V) = 0. For that one should know his boundary conditions" Suraj B S

A scalar potential field can be found out by solving Laplacian equation with appropriate boundary conditions... A famous result from vector calculus ( remember B E maths?? )....

Ok let me make reader's life simpler. Its simple, if one has to know his full potential, he needs to test himself with some tests. The test can be anything. But to decide what test to undergo, one should know what are his limits. The test should be within his limits. e.g. a person who cant swim should not test himself in a sea..

The laplacian equation referred to here is a sort of test for the potential field but it has unique solution only under specified boundary conditions.....

Moral of the story know your limits before acting.

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