Thursday, June 4, 2009

Opportunity in C

/*This is a program written by Suraj B S.
This program will print how opportunity comes/ doesnot come n changes our life...
Disclaimer: this program assumes that the user is a fighter n not a coward*/

#include "stdio.h" //blogger doesnot take the other sign
#include "string.h"

opportunity(char *s)
if ( !(strcmp( s, "opportunity knocks at your door" )) )
printf("u will become employee");
else if ( !(strcmp( s, "opportunity does not knock and u open door and drag it in" )) )
printf("u will become super employee");//higer level
else if ( !(strcmp( s, "opportunity is not even existent" )) ){
printf("u will create opportunity\n u will become employer\n");
//Suraj B S

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