Monday, July 20, 2009


"Hope is the path to enlightenment. But one has to walk..........." - Suraj B S

This is not simple one to understand because of its wider scope. Hope is such a great thing which keeps you going towards your goal no matter what happens. Hoping is the only thing one can do in front of fate. Hope will take one to his goal. This, I have put it as hope being path to enlightenment. Enlightenment is inclusive of everything.

But one has to hope. Without a hope never a person has achieved anything. Great people did not achieve great things without hoping to achieving it. Their hope carried them to success. This is what is referred here to as 'one has to walk'...


1 comment:

  1. so very true!! start every day with high hopes n 'persevere' n u'll find yourself to be a happy soul at the end of the day!! :)
    well said Suraj,
    Keep the ideas flowing...

    -Manali A D
