Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mathematics of life...

"Life is a stochastic process (not ergodic though) with mean = happiness and variance = experience.. Enjoy mean of the variance"

Now let me explain this to who dont know mathematics much.

A Stochastic process is a process which generates "random events" along "time".
We cannot determine the exactly which event would occur at what time. All we can determine is the probabilities of events and characteristics of the stochastic process such as mean and variance(basically averages).
Now a stochastic process can start at any point of time. Every such realization of stochastic process is called sample path. By non ergodic it means that the stochastic process has different averages along different sample paths...

Huhh too much of mathematics isn't it??

Now i leave it as exercise to commenters to explain the relevance interms of life...

Here is what my analogy means:

Life is a collection of random events occurring in time. One cannot always say something will definitely happen. There is always an uncertainty associated with it. What we get from life is finally happiness n experience. Happiness can be called mean of all events occurring in life because because happiness is what we urge for in life(as upanishats say). Now experience is the variance of life on top of happiness. Like sometimes one will be down n sometimes up which are variances on top of happiness.

Summary is accept life as it comes. Enjoy the mean of the variance....


  1. good analogy,Their is a log of co-relation with events (unexpectedly) happening in our life with events in random process-That's my thought.

  2. i dunno much about the mathematics part of ur views but i do very much agree with the 'common man's ' terms of it...yeah.....i d like to add this....'life is always unexpected and its always good that way coz there's a surprise waiting for u either a good one or a bad one....

  3. what i feel is life might give you sorrow at times but in aggregate what u get is happiness... and as they say sorrows/happy times actually teach you somethings n tats experience(in some sense)... and u cant expect what life will teach you n give you!!

  4. summary is wat 'm bro -predator

  5. The first two lines of the post made me shiver...i really had forgot all d matematical terms mentioned there u knw ;) d way its indeed a sensible anology , d best part is d optimism ur write exhibits...keep writing...all d best!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @invincible:
    It does not mean life might give sorrow at times but in aggregate u get happiness...
    Actually i have used happiness also mathematcally i.e. it can be negative i.e. sorrow... also I am talking abt life itself as an entity and its outcomes and not abt persons... It subsumes the relativity i feel..

  8. maga looks lke u ve changed or bengal has changed u...becoming tooooo nostalgic ..hmmm phiosopical spiritual mathematical n every part ur explorin eh along with ur masters :)....hmmm good...keep blogging :)but that is true that ups n downs are common state of mind is like a river it just flows n u can be in a good mood n suddenly ur mood changes...but woteva it is,it's easier said than done applies to everything isnt it???.....u just don tend to follow certain things even though u know it's correct n for ur betterment ....der ur inner self plays part...
