Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Listen Carefully!!!

"Great listeners listen to more than what is said. They listen to what is expressed.." Suraj B S

This line was written by me in context of listening, understanding ones point... This is a personal experience..

I have always found people wanting in terms of listening. Particularly in classes!!! Hehe.. Well in one of my courses the prof. was new. He was struggling to get his points through. I had to listen to the lecture with highest level of concentration with all sorts of back end calculation to actually get his points. He used to tell somethings and somethings were implied. That's when i realized that if one has to be a real good listener then he should actually get the expressed thought not only the thing which is told.

Moral of the story.. This was just an instance.. People often say somethings and imply much more. So listen carefully to your pals, try to understand what they are telling. You might not get a second chance to listen to them later even if u want to.


"To find potential 'V' of oneself, one has to solve del^2(V) = 0. For that one should know his boundary conditions" Suraj B S

A scalar potential field can be found out by solving Laplacian equation with appropriate boundary conditions... A famous result from vector calculus ( remember B E maths?? )....

Ok let me make reader's life simpler. Its simple, if one has to know his full potential, he needs to test himself with some tests. The test can be anything. But to decide what test to undergo, one should know what are his limits. The test should be within his limits. e.g. a person who cant swim should not test himself in a sea..

The laplacian equation referred to here is a sort of test for the potential field but it has unique solution only under specified boundary conditions.....

Moral of the story know your limits before acting.

Monday, July 20, 2009


"Hope is the path to enlightenment. But one has to walk..........." - Suraj B S

This is not simple one to understand because of its wider scope. Hope is such a great thing which keeps you going towards your goal no matter what happens. Hoping is the only thing one can do in front of fate. Hope will take one to his goal. This, I have put it as hope being path to enlightenment. Enlightenment is inclusive of everything.

But one has to hope. Without a hope never a person has achieved anything. Great people did not achieve great things without hoping to achieving it. Their hope carried them to success. This is what is referred here to as 'one has to walk'...


Thursday, June 4, 2009


"Compromise is the negative slope of life" - Suraj B S

Well it's simple, if we compromise on anything in life all we see is negative side.. A down fall... Check out yourselves n leave comments which will reflect this thought.

Opportunity in C

/*This is a program written by Suraj B S.
This program will print how opportunity comes/ doesnot come n changes our life...
Disclaimer: this program assumes that the user is a fighter n not a coward*/

#include "stdio.h" //blogger doesnot take the other sign
#include "string.h"

opportunity(char *s)
if ( !(strcmp( s, "opportunity knocks at your door" )) )
printf("u will become employee");
else if ( !(strcmp( s, "opportunity does not knock and u open door and drag it in" )) )
printf("u will become super employee");//higer level
else if ( !(strcmp( s, "opportunity is not even existent" )) ){
printf("u will create opportunity\n u will become employer\n");
//Suraj B S

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Innocence vs Ignorance

"Innocence is bliss, Ignorance is curse. A very thin line divides the two"

I always had feeling that India is in this state because of Innocence or Ignorance?? of people. Especially now being in Bengal I have experienced it even more. This fact inspired this writing.

Innocence and Ignorance go very close to each other. People whom we think innocent often turn out to be ignorant. Lack of right education can make innocent people ignorant very easily and is largely the case in India.

Uneducated or the so called literate class who know only to write their names are basically very innocent people. They know basically nothing. Their exposure to the world, also is very less. The people around, use their innocence to their advantage (basically babas n politicians). They make them believe that they are correct and make people follow them. This is where ignorance creeps in. Especially if one shows some magical tricks(esp. babas) people start following them. They become ignorant. This has been largely the problem almost every where and almost at all times of history. Innocent people's innocence is used for ones advantage. It took Europe more than 10 centuries to come out of such a phase. Now India is going deeper into such a phase where innocent people are being showed the way of ignorance.

The basic reason for this I feel is that the emphasis on education from govt. is less. The emphasis on knowledge has gone down over time. Diluted education can only lead to chaos. The country is surely heading towards one. India could have been super power now but of education system.

In all I would say that innocence and ignorance have a very thin line dividing the two. Innocence can easily become ignorance if not showm proper way. Right education is the only way to ensure that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mathematics of life...

"Life is a stochastic process (not ergodic though) with mean = happiness and variance = experience.. Enjoy mean of the variance"

Now let me explain this to who dont know mathematics much.

A Stochastic process is a process which generates "random events" along "time".
We cannot determine the exactly which event would occur at what time. All we can determine is the probabilities of events and characteristics of the stochastic process such as mean and variance(basically averages).
Now a stochastic process can start at any point of time. Every such realization of stochastic process is called sample path. By non ergodic it means that the stochastic process has different averages along different sample paths...

Huhh too much of mathematics isn't it??

Now i leave it as exercise to commenters to explain the relevance interms of life...

Here is what my analogy means:

Life is a collection of random events occurring in time. One cannot always say something will definitely happen. There is always an uncertainty associated with it. What we get from life is finally happiness n experience. Happiness can be called mean of all events occurring in life because because happiness is what we urge for in life(as upanishats say). Now experience is the variance of life on top of happiness. Like sometimes one will be down n sometimes up which are variances on top of happiness.

Summary is accept life as it comes. Enjoy the mean of the variance....